Find Yourself Doom Scrolling? Tips to Use Technology More Mindfully

How to Human by FiveBites 👋

Mini quiz:

Guess the statistic of people who use their phones in the bathroom. Answer is at the end of the article 😉

What is “doom scrolling?”

The phenomenon of "doom scrolling" has become all too familiar for many of us. This term refers to the habit of mindlessly scrolling through endless streams of negative news or social media content, often to the detriment of our mental health and well-being. Doom scrolling keeps us distracted from important tasks like school work or job responsibilities. 

Using technology mindfully involves being conscious of how you engage with digital devices and platforms, ensuring that they enhance your life rather than detract from it.

Here are some steps you can take to practice mindful technology use every day:

1. Set intentions: Before using any digital device or platform, set clear intentions for how you want to use it and what you hope to accomplish. This could include limiting your time on social media, using technology for learning or productivity, or engaging in activities that promote your well-being.

2. Schedule breaks: Intentionally schedule breaks from technology throughout your day to give your mind and eyes a rest. Use this time to engage in activities that don't involve screens, like touching grass.

3. Practice presence: When using technology, focus on the task at hand and try to minimize multitasking, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress. Let’s be real - you’re only using three of the million tabs you have open on your browser.

4. Create Boundaries: Establish boundaries around when and where you use social media. Designate specific times of day for checking social media and avoid using it during meals, before bed, or first thing in the morning. Create tech-free zones in your home or workspace to reduce temptation.

5. Use technology to enhance well-being: Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or consuming passive content, use technology in ways that support your well-being. This could include practicing mindfulness or meditation with a smartphone app, using fitness or nutrition apps to track your health goals, or connecting with supportive online communities.

6. Find Offline Alternatives: Identify alternative activities that you enjoy and that fulfill your needs for connection, entertainment, or relaxation. Spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies, exercise, or engage in creative pursuits that don't involve screens.

7. Curate Your Feed: Take control of your feed, and unfollow accounts that consistently contribute to negative emotions or feelings of inadequacy. Seek out accounts that align with your values and interests, whether it be positive meme pages (not the self-deprecating ones) or a feed that’s filled with a skill you’re trying to develop.

8. Digital Detox: Consider taking periodic breaks from social media altogether by participating in a digital detox. Designate specific days or times when you disconnect from all electronic devices and engage in offline activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

By becoming aware of our digital habits and making conscious choices about how we engage with technology, we can mitigate the negative impacts of doom scrolling and cultivate a healthier relationship with our devices.

According to 61.6% of people take their phones to the bathroom. Hopefully, they’re watching videos instead of filming them 😬


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