Get Rid of the “ChatGPT Tone” In Your Answers

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Failed Prompt

…That there is an example of a failed prompt. ChatGPT has a certain tone. It uses words and phrases that are inhuman or repetitive. The introduction I had it write sounded like it was gibberish. All jargon, no sense.

Which is why this was written! To understand how ChatGPT can work for you, and to make your work efficient and productive.

How to Create an Answer Out of Your Prompts

A prompt fails when you are too vague. Be detailed with the ideas you have in mind and don’t leave out for AI to guess what you mean.

Make it think

The whole prompt was meant to prepare ChatGPT for the task. Once it has responded that your set of instructions were clear, on to the next.

Breakdown a tough task into many tasks

Say that you are creating an essay, first give the materials for that paper, then your structure. Give the procedure of the task instead of all-in-one-go that it becomes vague.

Provide context and all details

What is it about? What are the key points in your task? Mention those.

Be direct

You gave it materials, what for? In the prompt, you see that after it was stated that materials will be given and then the context, ChatGPT was given a direct instruction. 

Provide materials such as articles, video transcripts, and/or abstracts

To get your desired answer, it’s best to provide the articles for it to have enough of the information that you want to be mentioned in your paper.

Think of AI as your co-pilot, you lead it and it assists you. Technology was created for us humans. It serves us a purpose. We should work with it to ensure smooth and efficient operation of flight.

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