Killing the Dead Air ━ How to Talk Never Run Out of Things to Say 💭

How to Human by FiveBites 👋🏼

Imagine a horse at a running track. You see it running fast, and the crowd is going wild. The horse is smoothly gliding through the tracks, and then suddenly, it trips. Its foot makes an incorrect angle, and it loses balance. The crowd falls silent.

Something similar occurs in our daily interactions with people. It’s a familiar feeling for all of us. Your conversation flows smoothly, and suddenly it takes a shift that leaves both of you in an awkward silence

How do you remove this obstacle, that is silence, sitting so awkwardly between the two of you?

Three things: Remove the filter, thread, and be YOUman.

TECHNIQUE #1: Remove the Filter

This doesn’t mean that you will say everything that runs through your mind. That will leave more room for awkward silence. It means that you are less critical of how you sound.

"Should I ask about this?" "Should I mention that?"

As long as it serves a purpose, which is to connect, then ask, mention, say it. Take your conversation to different heights by trying to think less about how cool or impressive you sound. But also remember to speak with intention.

TECHNIQUE #2: Threading

Think of a conversation as a walk in the park. You are going from one direction to another, from one topic to another. It may start at a slow pace while you get into the mood of walking, using small talk as a means of finding out what’s important to them to spark a meaningful conversation. One purposely found topic can branch off to a 3-hour conversation. Again, remember to be intentional - respond to statements that will lead to a meaningful and connecting conversation. 

How to THREAD: “I saw this movie last night about birds.

🚫How not to answer: “Oh, really? That’s good.” What would they reply to that statement?

✅Instead, try, “Oh, really? Tell me about it!” You can go on for hours after this, talking about all kinds of topics.

TECHNIQUE #3: Pratfall Effect

Remember when it was mentioned to be YOUman? That’s what the Pratfall effect is about. You are more likable when you are not perfect.

It is easier to talk to a person who appears human - full of mistakes.

If you are unreachable to the person you’re talking to because you present yourself as someone who is perfect, you will not connect. Mistakes are the easiest way to connect with someone. Level with everyone you come across.

Do not overthink that you will sound or come off as ridiculous. People are too preoccupied with their own insecurities. And to have a flow in your conversation, learn to walk with the person you’re talking to, going in different directions. And if you aim to connect with a person, do not put up a “perfect” persona.

Now remember, three things: Remove the filter, thread, and be YOUman.

Next time your chat hits a snag, just remember: even silence needs a break.

Keep the conversation alive and kicking, just like that horse on the track—minus the tripping!

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