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Short-lived Enthusiasm – What is “Ningas Kugon” And How to Deal With It

(Whole)listic by FiveBites 👋

You know that feeling when you start something new, there’s this fire inside of you, and you feel driven to do so much? But time goes by and you lose that drive, you no longer have the same motivation for it as you did. There’s actually a term for that, and it’s a well-known part of Filipino culture: Ningas Kugon.

What is “Ningas Kugon”?

Ningas means fire and Kugon is a type of grass that grows in the Philippines, a metaphor inspired by the cogon grass. When caught on fire, it burns brightly but quickly fades away, symbolizing short-lived enthusiasm. This trait showcases the importance of recognizing not just the spark of enthusiasm but also the planning needed to sustain it.

3 Steps To Overcome Ningas Kugon

Set Goals

Whether you’re just beginning to work or you’re in the middle of it, set goals. Get used to doing certain tasks and make it your goal to become more efficient at it every time you work on it.

Tailor-fitted for You

Create the environment you want. When you have a structure or system in what you do, it’ll be easier for you to make it a part of your daily basis.

Seek Support 

Surround yourself with friends, mentors, a cohort, or support groups who can provide encouragement and guidance. 

Hold yourself accountable.

Ningas Kugon can happen to anyone. It’s our reaction to the initial fire that dictates how successful we can be in taming the flame. While it feels great to have that starting passion, it’s important to build a practical system that will work with what your goals are. With the right battle plan, you’ll be able to fulfill your dreams and ambitions.

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