How to Survive Through Tough Talks

(WHOLE)listic by FiveBites 👋

Here’s something we should practice: making peace with an unideal scenario happening before diving into any situation

Why We Avoid Difficult Conversations

Oftentimes, we refuse to open difficult conversations because we think we already know the answer…and that scares us. In this time, you are navigating through your relationships, academics, and personal growth. The fear of confrontation, uncertainty about the outcome, and concern about damaging relationships can make these conversations feel overwhelming. So how do we deal with this?

How To Have a Difficult Conversation

  1.  Acknowledge Responsibility and Define Outcome:

Assess, and take responsibility where you see fit. Clarify your desired outcome. Ask yourself, where do you want to go with this conversation? Once you have done this, you will likely be on the same page. 

Tip: Use the FBI method to express your feelings (F), describe the behavior (B), and articulate the impact (I) of the situation on you.

  1.  Active Listening and Validation

Practice active listening by focusing on the speaker's words without interruption or judgment. Validate their feelings by acknowledging their perspective, even if you disagree.

Tip: Reflect back what you've heard to ensure understanding and empathy. Phrases like "It sounds like you're feeling..." can demonstrate your attentiveness and empathy.

  1.  Lean into Discomfort and Fear

Discomfort is a natural part of growth and self-discovery. Actually, I encourage you to find it, sit with it, eat with it. The more you condition yourself to be with discomfort, the more likely you are to find these ‘difficult’ conversations as a normal part of life. Recognize that avoiding difficult conversations only prolongs the issue and hinders personal development.

Make peace with the worst possible outcome before entering the conversation. When you have come into terms of what may happen, you will start this conversation coming from a place of strength and resilience.


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